I'm blogging tonight because I have a story to tell about last night. At about 3:15 a.m., Mom and I were awakened by my brothers and sisters who were apparently taken over by aliens and having a real big fur-pulling screaming cat fight like they didn't recognize each other! I have no idea what started it. All I know is that I did not participate in the fracas.
Mom came tearing out of her room trying to break the thing up. You know how in cartoons fighting cats are in a ball with dust clouds and stars all around them? Well, it was just like that. There are fur bits all over the house!
Some twenty minutes later when everybody finally stopped the growling and whining and puffing up and snorting, Mom thought it was safe to go back to bed. But what was on the carpet besides all that fur? OMC, it was blood! So she checked everybody out to make sure everyone still had their eyes and ears and tails and feet and then realized that she'd been collateral damage in the fightsomeone had poked her good in the foot. It was her blood! The place looked like a crime scene! After cleaning that up, she finally got back to bed about 4:10 a.m. and I could finally sleep in peace again.
Oh, and today? The aliens left and everybody's all pally-wally again like they don't remember what happened. Go figure.
Yikes! That sounds very dramatic! Glad you were smart enough not to participate in that, Miss Pee!
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting story! Miss Pee, we're glad that aliens left you alone. (They were prolly afraid you would tinkle on them!) We had something like that happen here, it looked like a cat exploded when it was all over. Daddy vacuumed tumbleweeds for DAYS.
ReplyDeleteSheesh, some cats! We can't beleeve dat dey would all go at it like dat..and den act like nuffing happened. Maybe it really was an alien take over!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure we'll hear from CAROLINE about the whole thing tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteMy goodness! I wonder what set them off? Is your Mom sure there wasn't an extra cat in the house somehow?
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting night !!!
ReplyDeleteI hope your mom is o.k. and I hope she got some sleep.
Wow! Hope your Mom's foot is okay! Sometimes we get into a pretty good wrassling match here, but nothing like what you describe. Hope everyone stays friendly from now on.
ReplyDeleteWow--what an exciting story!! One time the two Big Boys who preceded me had such a terrible fierce battle that one a them LOST A TOOTH from putting the bitey so hard on the other one! The Human says it served him right. It was pretty funny though since the tooth-loser's name was Mr. Teeth, ha ha ha!
ReplyDeleteI hope Caroline will explain what it was all about tomorrow.
I also hope your Mom could find the Bactine and the band-aids in the middle of the night in a new house.
Keep your mum guessing. One time fight, next time cuddles.
ReplyDeleteA clear case of massively delayed and accumulated FRAP! When the daily Frenetic Random Activity Period goes undone for a while, explosions happen.
ReplyDeleteThats why I encourage mild daily FRAP.
The Big Thing
We need more info! Inquiring minds want to know!
ReplyDeleteGoodness,what a night! We hope those aliens don't come back. We're sorry your mom bled, but we're glad it wasn't a cat missing an eye or a tail!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you didn't participate Miss Pee. What a way to wake up in the middle of the night with all that racket. So sorry your Mom got it in the foot. Guess she was so upset she didn't feel it. Hope Your Mom had a great Mom's day.
ReplyDeleteCasper and Cleo
Like everyone else, my first thought is that Caroline will have something to say about all this!
ReplyDeleteYour poor mom. This happens around here sometimes too - usually involving Ivy and Spud. We hope your mom is OK. :)
ReplyDeleteMan it sounds like a wild night. I am glad your Mum is okay!
ReplyDeleteDid you call CSI (Cat Scene Investigator) to investigate the dust up?
ReplyDeleteMy gosh, what a night! I hope your mom's foot is okay. Glad you were able to stay out of it!
ReplyDeleteMaybe they were all sleep-fighting. I'm sorry your Mom got caught up in the middle of it all, though. We've done that before and we feel bad later, but at the time all you can think is bite. At least everyone is happy now (except for tired Mom).
Huh. Some bad nip maybe?
ReplyDeleteWow! That does sound like an alien invasion took place.
ReplyDeleteHow very rude of them to interrupt your beauty rest, Miss Pea. I hope you sat them down for a stern lecture. ;)