Monday, May 09, 2011

Whose Idea Was This, Anyway?

I think we're going to be back to blogging and visiting now.

Of course, I'm just worn out waiting for my mom to get with the program.

She is so obviously not a cat.


  1. Tell me about it, William! My mom has SO not been with the program, lately either!

  2. Sometimes it seems SO fair to let them have the thumbs!

  3. Well, thank Bast, William! What the h*ll has she been doin' all this time anyway? I think maybe she's got some kind of double life going on. Can you smell woofie on her or anything?

  4. Dood, if you're waiting for a person to get with it, you'll be waiting a long time...

  5. Mr. William, Get a lots of nap is a good choice !

  6. It is SO exhausting sometimes, waiting on humans. They really have messed up scheduling, don't they?

  7. It is important to forgive humans their short comings, because you are right--they are not cats...

  8. our the mom has not been with the program for a long time

  9. That's a Mom for ya. They are really good in most ways, but they're definitely not cats. Unless it's Ellie from Cory's blog, who really is a cat mom.

  10. Nice to meet you, William! Bob, here. My mom and dad started a blog for my feline sibs and me...we'd like you to come visit as we're kind of bored being newbies and all... maybe you can tell us what goes on around here not for m cuz sleep's my thing, sleep and food but some of the cats here specially the girls, Addie, JoJo, Lola there always stirring up some trouble, gossiping and stuff...

    Anyway, we're over here:
    Sadie's showing off today, thinks she can attract attention...She thinks Russell's cute

  11. You may have to teach your mom to be more cat-like.

  12. Moving is such an ordeal. I'm glad you're getting back to your routine.

  13. We hear you William!!!Moms are NOT cats. Nor should they be. They are way to goofy to be cats and would sully the gene pool ;) heehee

    Purrs Tillie and Georgia

  14. You do look exhausted! It can be tiring waiting for moms to get their act together -- believe me, I know.


Wowee meowee.