Thursday, June 03, 2010

Thursday Wrap-Up.

Well, today I solved the mystery of the broken Russian sage! (This has been puzzling my mom all week, since every day it gets a little more damaged.) It is a rogue sparrow who lands on this thing! And even though the bird probably weighs all of an ounce, the sage fronds are not for bird landings! This might be payback for Mom not having put seed out for about a hundred years, so she better fix that.

Anyway, the weekend is in view. But we're supposed to get a heat wave and it's supposed to get to 100° or more! That is way too hot, way too early. I expect to just move a few feet to snooze on the cool bricks at the entryway and wait it out.

Have a fun weekend, everybody!


  1. That is very curious. We have Mexican sage and it breaks like mad! In big branches! Mummy thinks it's a neighbourhood cat. Sage plants are quite fragile aren't they?

    Hope you're going to find a cool spot over the weekend! You are handsome and black so you'd be extra warm in your coat!
    Purrrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla

  2. William,
    The tile is nice and cool in the big bedroom, there's always room for a Tiny Boy! Chances are, Mommy might not even notice an extra Cat...don't tell her, but there's actually 25 of us (or so)here right now! At least that's what she says it SOUNDS like at 3 AM.

  3. Come visit us--we're barely in the 60's!!!

  4. Humph to over weight birds !! ;)
    If you find it too hot, please send some heat our way!! It was warm a few days ago, but now it's cool and rainy!!!!!! Send sunshine too ;) hahaha
    Caroline, William is not silly...he's cool :)

    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  5. That is way too hot. Mom says that the kitties at the party can stay overnight, so you can all stay cool here, at least until morning. I hope that bird will leave your sage alone once you Mom puts out the bird seed.

  6. Wow - that's awfully hot! We hope that all of you kitties and your Mom can stay nice and cool.

    Have a great (if extra warm) weekend,
    Charlemagne and Tamar

  7. You can come here and be my Twin, William. It's only 64 right now and there's almost sure to be some fog!

  8. Wow 100! We are hoping to get in the low 70's next week.

  9. Have a great Friday and weekend, everybody, and stay cool and hydrated!

  10. Glad the sage mystery is solved!

    We don't care for hot weather. We hope you have a place in your house that is nice and cool.

  11. I agree, we don't like it too hot either, cuts down on our window whiffin time. I hope you have a very nice weekend!

  12. Stay cool as much as possible, and have a good weekend.

  13. William,

    We gave you an award!

    Already over 100 at 10:30 this AM...

  14. When it's really hot out sleeping is the best thing to do.


    PS What's Russll wrecked lately? I just knocked over the moving picture box antenna

  15. Nothin' better than cool tiles on a hot day!

  16. It's been getting hotter here earlier than usual too. It's supposed to be hot, but not quite this hot. We have a bird's nest in our hanging fern just tearing up the plants, so we can relate. Hope you had a relaxing weekend.


Wowee meowee.