Sunday, June 06, 2010

Heat Wave.

It was 103° on our patio this afternoon.


  1. Our human spent 2 summers in Yuma, AZ and laughs anytime anyone says that line. Wait until late summer when it's 120 and 80% humidity! You'll be BEGGING for the "dry" heat! MOL we can't imagine anything that hot.

  2. Ok, that is warm!! We're very chilly at the moment, but even so we still don't want that kinda warm!!

  3. Hot is hot. Dry or wet. Stay in and stay cool.

  4. Mommy LOVES the heat! She likes to sit outside (in the shade)and soak up the heat like a lizard. After living in Chicago for 39 years, she can attest that the dry heat beats humidity ANY day!

    As for us Cats, when we get too warm we go inside to chill, and when we get too chilly, we go back out to warm up! Life is Good.

  5. This sort of thing is why the Human does not live in the Central Valley anymore. We are really big fans of the fog here. Who needs that silly old sun anyway?!

    We think this picture prolly looks like the back picture your Mom had taken a little while ago.

    You guys need to eat more, MOL!

  6. Uh way too hot for us! We have rain and chill if you want to come here..

  7. THat is still too hot, dry or wet. We just got a cool front yesterday afternoon and it is lushious here for 24 hours more or so.

  8. LOL! We hear dry heat is better than humidity, but since we get only heat + humidity, we don't know. We think that's still too hot, regardless!

    Stay cool if you can, and do stay well-hydrated.

  9. That is too hot for us.
    Umm, has your mum put you onto a diet? Looks like it is time to stop it.

  10. MOL!!! stay inside - you could bbq yourselfs on the patio!

  11. Oh, yeah. Dry heat. Sure. Soooo much cooler.

  12. Um, that looks a little too dry my friend!

  13. trust that shot is merely a metaphor... suncream please!!! Love Darcy and Bingley xx

  14. You can come here. We have the A/C running.

  15. Jan saw this and said they must live in AZ. Well, NM is close enough. Dry heat is still hot.

  16. Hee hee William! That's funny! Stay cool over there!


Wowee meowee.