Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Meezer Musings Wednesday.

It's me, Caroline!

My mom had an MRI today for her back. And I'm just wondering if it's like us getting trapped in the troll box when we have to go to the cat fix-it place.

William says no, it was more like this.

He is so silly!


  1. Hi Caroline, I sure hope everything is okay with your mom. William is so funny in the tunnel!

  2. Purrs to your Mom! I think you two might be onto something!

  3. I think William is right. Mom has had that for her back too. We hope everything is OK.

  4. William has it pretty accurately. We hope the mri helps to shed some light on what is going on. My Dad had one 2 years ago, and they said he has degenerative disc disease, but so does everybody his age. They couldn't pinpoint anything specific, which I guess relieved him somewhat and helped him be less tense in his muscles. It DID show how the muscles on one side were way more contracted than on the other side.

    Good luck, Caroline and William and Russel and Olivia and Hope's Mom.

  5. It would be fun if it was more like the tunnel. Who would ever come out?! I hope things look good.

  6. Caroline, we don't think they make People sized troll boxes, so William may be on to something...

    We hope your Mom finds out what's bothering her back so much. Purrs!

  7. Sending lots of healing purrs to your mummy my bootiful friend!

  8. We hope the MRI went okay and your Mum can get her back fixed very soon!! Lots of purrs to your Mum
    Your pics are so cute!

  9. Poor Humans. They should be more flexible like us! If they could stretch really good like we do, they would not have so many problems wif their spines.

    We hope she is better soon.

  10. Purrs for your Mom! You look lovely this morning Caroline. Hey William, we have that same tunnel here at our house!

  11. your poor the mom.

    Caroline!!! Next Wednesday is Meezer Colors Day!! Start thinking about what colors you are going to wear (or be near or on or whatever) this year to highlight your furs!!!

  12. Lots of healing purrs and Light to your mom!

  13. Oh, we hope your mom will be okay, That sounds skeery. We'll send some purrrrrrs her way.

    We think William actually does have a good idea about how it works though, we saw it on CatTV once. Doesn't mean he's not silly, though. MOL

    You look so pretty, Caroline, your eyes are gorgeous in that photo!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  14. We hope your the Mom can get some good help from her Stabby Place.

  15. William has it pretty close!
    Hope her back will be ok.
    Ours has a hurty one too.

  16. Ooh, that MRI is not nearly as much fun as a kitty tunnel. Steven Wright once said he had an MRI to find out whether he's claustrophobic! Sending healing vibes and purrayers for your human's bad back...


Wowee meowee.