Sunday, March 14, 2010

Easy Like Sunday.

Well, we got a few hours of snow this morning, then several hours of mild sunny weather, then cold and snow and clouds all afternoon. Mom got chores done and then took advantage of the sun and went down to the valley to collect rocks for the ongoing yard project, and she got back just in time for us to all curl up with the fuzzy blanket in the den for the afternoon. It was perfect!

Then, the sun came out late while we were still having flurries! How weird is that? It's probably time to get back to napping before I get any more confused by this russelly weather.


  1. A nap sounds like the only way to go on a day like that!

  2. Dat is weerd weather. We just haf rain, rain, rain. It did make alla our snow go away tho.

  3. The weather WUZ crazy!!! The beans are furry glad that they gotted the u-haul-it truck yessterday and loaded it then, instead of today!
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  4. Sounds like typical "spring" weather! But it also sounds like it was a productive day for your human and a good, restful one for you! :-)

  5. Yuck-a-roo, you've got the right idea, take a nap until the warm gets to you!

  6. Wow you did have some crazy weather! At least you got to cuddle up with your mom.

  7. Sounds like a pretty good day, especially the snuggling part!

  8. Naps are the best answer to any kind of weather, we think so.

  9. Napping is the best response to crazy when crazy weather stuff happens.

    Very stunning photos of you lately, Wm.


Wowee meowee.