Monday, March 15, 2010

Midnight Monday.



  1. Hi William!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lookin' good ;)
    You have been having strange weather there :o
    Our weather is strange too!! We have been having NICE weather!! It is nice outside. Normally we still have some snow around. Mom even sees shoots poking up from the ground!! This is about 3 weeks ahead of schedule :) We still like the snuggles though ;)
    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

    PeeEss: Mom liked Syberia,heehee
    Mom is weird,hahaha, she also likes Free Cell and Solitaire games :/

  2. Hi William! You have such pretty eyes and shiny fur. Hope all of you have a good week.

  3. Hi William... Blackie is the new kitty here... think he (Mom hasn't checked to see if he or she) - he hasn't made it inside all the time yet. Mom hopes to work on getting pictures up of us all soon.

  4. Hello William! Lookin' good like a mancat should!

  5. Hi William! You're looking very handsome and mancatly, as everyone has noted! :-)

  6. Hi there to you too!

    William, could it be that you are looking just a teensy bit "rounded" there? Life treating you well?

  7. Hi Happy Guy! I love tails up! A happy greeting for sure.
    ~Lisa Co9T

  8. Hiya! You look like you were caught in the act...

  9. Hi William!
    Are your the official greeter at your house?

  10. Hi from one tiny boy to another tiny boy.


  11. William you are one gorgeous boy!

    I have not been able to figure out how to get Mom into a troll box to take her to the mom fix-it place. The first time I tried she said something about green papers and then ignored me.

  12. The comment from Beckaroo Banzai is really from me. Mom forgot to sign out of her own blog. Duh!!

    Zeke and Sushi said hi too.


Wowee meowee.