Thursday, September 28, 2006

Eeek! It's A...Oh, Wait.

When Mom got home this evening she looked out the kitchen window to check on how much seed was left for my bird friends when I heard her whisper, "William! William! There's a mouse out on the patio."

Well, I got all excited but I followed Mom's instruction to be quiet and careful and not scare the mouse away. Because mice are really very skittish. And if he saw me in the window, he would run away! So I was very quiet and stayed way close to the window sill. And there he was, zooming all around eating the seeds the birds have flung to the ground. He looked like a tiny Roomba!

I haven't seen any mice for a long time. When we first moved here there was a crappy old hot tub on the patio and there were like a squillion mice living under it. But we got rid of that. And the mice went away. So I don't know where this mouse lives. Maybe in the Squirrels' underground home. They moved in the spring because of the kids. They needed more room. But that would be like a mansion to a mouse family.


  1. A mouse! Very exciting news! Do keep us updated as I am sure you will be on vigilent Cat watch duty now that you've spotted it.

  2. I think we had a mouse in our house once, and only one time, because once he realized I was there too he went away real fast! They're fun to watch.

  3. A mouse, I am loving it!!! Make sure to share ok Willy.

    Headbonks and slurpy kisses,

    The Mitz

  4. You know, I have nothing against mousies just tryin' to eat some seeds. I'm a live & let live kind of long as they stay OUTSIDE! But if they come in my house, I hafta get 'em!

    Stay alert William, in case any of them try to get in your house!

    Maxwell Smartkitty

  5. You are so lucky. We live on the edge of a giant field and we never get mice. Like 2 in 20 years. Momma says the snakes and hawks get to them before they ever get close to the house.

  6. That must haf been fun watchin' the mousie. We woulda been goin' crazy trying to get it to eat it.

  7. Oooh I luvs mousies. I wud haf to sneak out an pounce on him. Yum yum yum.

  8. Mice! How exciting! Doesn't it stir your primalist instincts?!?

  9. Our gramma and grampa have been getting skunks and raccoons in their yard. They break into the bird feeders. Daisy even saw the skunk!

  10. Oh, very exciting. I hope he will stick around so you can kep watching him.

  11. Mousies, we have had mousies. But mum gets mad when they are in the house. She pays the governator to keep them out and they are not staying out. I killed two of them a few weeks ago.

  12. Mice outside are fun to watch. Just be careful that he doesn't try to come inside now that the weather's colder. If he does come in, you'll have to pounce him. Mice inside are bad news.

  13. wow, mice manshuns! that sounds interesting. we don't have mouses.


Wowee meowee.