Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Here I am looking out our front door. Mom left it open for a little bit after she got home so we could see stuff. Our trees have only just started to rain a few leaves here and there, and she knows I like to watch.

Of course, I can also secretly scope out biteable weatherstripping, too.

Now, if only Caroline would move on
so I can get to it before Mom sees.
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  1. Leaves are so much fun ... I go into the garden and find one every day and put it on Hummy's pillow. I have done this every day since I could go play in the garden ... it is to thank Hummy for saving me.

  2. I fink Caroline is a spy and was watching you so that she could tell your mom if you put the bitey on the weafurr stripping. - Miles

  3. Ah, Squilliam's obsession with weatherstripping...good times, good times.

    Weatherstripping and toilet parts are the way to Squilliam's heart! (That's why I keep plenty around)

  4. A really considerate Mom would put up fresh weather stripping so you wouldn't have to deal with that old stuff.

  5. We too remember the weatherstripping episodes. Hope you can snag some.

  6. You have doors you can look out of? Bummer, mine the looky spot is way up high. The leaves are just starting to turn different colors, but are still on the tree.

  7. Hmmm ... weatherstripping ... now I have something new to chew on!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Maybe she'll get you a box of weatherstrippin' for Christmas. That would be nice.


Wowee meowee.