Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Busy Day.

So first it started when Mom got up and Eddie was already chowing down on dry food. He couldn't even wait until she had coffee! And then, he decided he wasn't in the mood for his pill. Five times she thought he'd swallowed it and five times he spit it out. The last time she left it on the floor.

Then he decided he wasn't in the mood for chicken noodle. He wanted ham and gravy. Me, it wouldn't matter at all, but my bro had to have ham. Then he took a million and a half years to eat it. Mom got to her hunting grounds just in the nick of time after all that.

The good news is Eddie didn't barf the dry food he'd sneaked earlier. So we had to do something else to surprise Mom with by the time she got home for lunch. First, Olivia was in deep secret hiding and Mom couldn't find her anywhere. Mom looked high and low and checked everywhere and called for Olivia fifty thousand times. Finally Olivia materialized. "I was sleeping," she explained innocently, although she refused to tell Mom where.

Then, Mom saw the bathroom.

Remember when Caroline and I decided to play in the vanity and she got stuck in there by accident? Well, we fooled Mom into thinking that it was safe to take the bungee cord off, and today I thought I'd just try things. Of course I got the door open, but this time it was just me. Well, the door self-closed behind me and I got stuck, but instead of having a cow like my sister did, I got busy. I pulled the rug inside and got that all crunched up just right and stuff, chewed up the top of the box of cat litter, chewed up the plastic bags Mom keeps for cat box clean up and managed to remove the dirt cup from the little hand vac that's under there and empty the contents too. And for good measure, I shed a bunch of fur, since it was kinda stuffy in there. It was one of my very best efforts!

Then, with my work done, I LET MYSELF OUT. It's absolutely true! I left the door wide open so Mom could see what a very clever tiny boy I am. And what did I get for all that work? Treats? Kissies? No. The RETURN OF THE BUNGEE CORD.


  1. Wait. there should be a REWARD for that kind if ingenuity! At the very least you should get shrimp and kitty crack! You kept yourself entertained! What more do People want???

  2. You are EVER SO CLEVER!! Momma uses them plastic bags to haul away our doo doo, too.......

    Patches Lady

  3. Our humans just don't fully appreciate the effort we put into entertaining ourselves.

  4. You're so smart, William. I need lessons in how to get in under the sink! Do you give lessons?

  5. wow William, you are very, very talented

  6. Oh, William. You are indeed very, very talented. Perhaps you should try putting your talents towards good and not evil (as mom would say). I know, I know, evil is so much more fun and interesting... Until the bungee cord returns.
    ~ turtle

  7. William, that sounds like a great adventure and you are really talented to do all of that stuff!

  8. Puh-lease, Squilliam!! She is just jealous she in unable to crawl in there and cause as much ruckus as you.

    The bunjee cord is just her way of coping with her inadequacies.

  9. William, I'm proud of you!! You've used your free time to create a very large & intricate piece of art. Too bad your Mom didn't get a picture so we could all admire it.

    Keep up the good work!


  10. Oh you are furry talented! Even Chey said that was pretty impressive!

  11. Your human sounds like she just doesn't appreciate initiative and creativity. Have you ever thought about trying to gnaw through the wicked bungee? It would be a little tricky and require careful coordination, but if anyone could do it, it sounds like you could.

    Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie

  12. Max is right WM. keeping busy when you are bored is a great wey to spend the day and you shouldbe rewarded for being so self sufficient.

  13. Your mum doesn't appreciate your efforts. How sad.

  14. They flat out don't appreciate us, do they? Nope ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko


Wowee meowee.