Thursday, June 23, 2005

I Love My Mom.

I left her one of my very favorite toys.

 Posted by Hello


  1. Oh that is just so sweet. I bet your Mommie forgives you for whatever you did...~Merlin, Shadow and Ko Ko's Mom

  2. What a sweet boy! Of course I'm sure you reserve the right to go back and play with it at any time.

  3. Oh William...I gave my Mommy a toy once too!

  4. Hey Timmy--I love love love squishy balls! Those are really my absolute favorite toy. Usually, though, I put them in my water bowl!! And for some reason, Mom doesn't care for that.

  5. My Mommy doesn't like it when I put them in the bathtub. They go into the drain and get stuck there...then they get all wet! They're my absolute favorite too! Do you play fetch? I do!


Wowee meowee.