Monday, April 04, 2005


It's so windy here that there are scary noises everywhere. I don't think I've ever heard the wind this loud. Things are blowing everywhere. The bird feeders are swinging wildly. Branches are flying off the trees. There are squeaks and groans and bangs that are scaring us a whole lot!

We're staying very close to Mom tonight and hiding our eyes with both paws until it stops.


  1. How scary! I don't like it either when the wind howls and howls and things bang around outside from it.

    Yikes! Yeah, stick with your Mommy, she'll protect ya.


  2. Yeah I don't like the wind either, but those silly kittens don't seem to mind it at all.

  3. Yeah I don't like the wind either, but those silly kittens don't seem to mind it at all.


Wowee meowee.