Tuesday, January 04, 2022

It's Been Pretty Chilly.

I think I need a heating pad for my crow's nest.


  1. Yes, you do need a heating pad. My Penny has one on her cat tree and you should too. XO

  2. I’d loan you my heated bed, Izzy, but I’m using it myself. ~Ernie

  3. I totally agree!!!
    After all, we cats do love to be warm, right?!!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. dood....noe.....ewe knead ta get rid oh de CROWZ nest...tho a heetin pad wood be nice ;) ♥♥♥♥ happee new 2022 two ewe all ☺☺

  5. Izzits, here's what you do...get your human's credit card, go to Google and type in 'heated cat bed' and order one!
    Easy peasy.

  6. There are even cat beds that don't have to be plugged in (always a concern to our human) They are insulated with a layer of that foil-like stuff in emergency blankets, and your own body heat gets reflected and keeps you warm. We LOVE ours !

  7. It has turned chilly here at last after record high temperatures for the time of year. I think I need a heating pad too!

  8. Piggy backing on Katie's comments, we use the mama as heating pad, mol.

    Emma and Buster

  9. That's a great idea! I should ask for one as well.

  10. Oh, that sounds like a cozy addition to your perch. Paws crossed you get one.

  11. Sounds like a great idea, Iz. I've been really enjoying the electric blanket mom and dad got when they use it on top of the bed blankets.


Wowee meowee.