Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Cat Of Mystery.

Want to know why I didn't post last week?
I overslept!


  1. I am sure you are just covering for your human. :)

  2. That is a purrfectly valid excuse ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. We might be able ta sleep fer a week, but didn't ya have ta visit the litter box? Or shouldn't we ask?

  4. dood....we haz done that two...sum times for like weekz atta time....yeerz even !!

    just make sure ya get food a bullz when ya wakez up frum over sleepin ta go bak to sleepin over time again :) ♥♥

  5. Tell you the truth, Handsome, I did too...so I missed it anyway even when it wasn't there. XXX

  6. Oh Iz, there's nothing wrong with that if you ask me. Funny- dad and mom have differing versions of "oversleeping". Mom's is like, 10:00 maybe, and dad says he feels he overslept if he's not out of bed by 5:30 or 6:00 every day, and this includes weekends. Dad says he liked your mom's Talking Heads reference, by the way. Happy Thursday, my furriend.


Wowee meowee.