Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I Love Fall.

The days may be getting shorter but they sure have been nice. Our hummingbirds have pretty much gone except for a scant few stragglers but our crows are back, chatty and entertaining as usual. Now we're just waiting for the leaves to turn and then fall. And in the meantime, the Balloon Fiesta returns this weekend after its COVID hiatus and maybe some balloons will fly overhead! That's always fun.
The only problem with fall is that Izzy still hasn't learned to tell time -- he's started to whine for dinner earlier and earlier and this disturbs my peace!


  1. Oh my balloons, they are fun to watch! We used to have a big balloon festival here and one year a balloon did a splash down in our lake. Our Mom and Dad ran out to help and all ended well. Enjoy watching and counting crows!

  2. I do hope you see some balloons this weekend!

  3. Ivan, I like Fall too :) So far we have seen 2 leaves on two trees change colour. This week has been rainy and I am looking forward to the weekend when the sun returns.
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Ivan! What a great photo of you. I think I am in LURVE!
    Fall is mine mom's fave season. Me, I like Summer where I can bake and roast!

  5. Our hummingbirds are gone too-even the travelers. My hubby took the feeder down today.

  6. You look really good there Ivan and maybe if you join in you will both get a meal early

  7. Wait till the time change actually arrives Ivan ! Dinner will come even earlier !

  8. I think our first attempt at commenting got eaten by the interweb. We like Fall too. We get lots of open window time. Watching birds is fun but we prefer quiet birds, not squawky jays or crows.

  9. I love fall too even though the windows always don’t get opened. But the deer come by more often and that’s always fun to watch. ~Ernie

  10. We havent seen a hummer for a week, so its time to clean a last time and put them away for a few months.

    We are having fun whapping falling leaves.

  11. Oh, am so sorry to have missed this post...I'm late to the party!
    I saw the balloon festival on the news, and thought of you all.
    We are less than delighted that the season has changed, but someone who will remain nameless likes that she can wear scarves again...;-)

  12. The leaves have been fallin' like crazy around here, and especially on the windy days. Mom and dad haven't been keeping the windows open, either. Guess it's that time of year...


Wowee meowee.