Thursday, March 25, 2021


I'm checking things out. Stretching helps me see more.
We did have a terrible storm yesterday, with gusts reaching almost 70 mph. Things were flying everywhere! The snow was coming in sideways! Because of that, there wasn't a whole lot that stayed around. We were also spared any power outages or downed trees, both of which happened in other parts of the city.

I haven't seen any little birds so far. I hope they weren't blown too far away. But I did see two of our resident roadrunners. They're pretty sturdy birds. Thank cod my mom didn't see them and clack at them!


  1. WOW, I'm sure glad y'all are okay and didn't lose your power!

  2. Holy moly! I hope you don’t get storms like that again. You coulda been blown away! ~Ernie

  3. You were lucky to not lose power or have trees fall. Road runners- meep meep.

  4. I'm glad your power held up - that sounds like a doozy!

  5. Yikes! Good thing that storm did not afect you too much.
    That soundsd like a nasty storm. I hope the birdies are OK.
    Maybe they will come out of hiding.
    Purrs, Julie

  6. I am glad you didn't lose power in the storm, Izzy. Your mom clacks at roadrunners???

  7. Last night the wind came to our house at 3am. Wow it woke us all up. Glad the tree didn't fall on us

  8. Sounds extreme, Izzy...
    Wait a minute...she does WHAT to the roadrunners?!?

  9. I guess I don't know where you live...that you can have snow AND roadrunners...

  10. Hoo boy, sideways snow & resident roadrunners- sure sounds like it was an exciting event. Glad you didn't get blown away in that wind!!

  11. I'm so glad you didn't lose power. That's the worst.

  12. WHOA! Good you are assessing things after the storm. Something might need attention. I think you may be the mancat of the house?


Wowee meowee.