Monday, April 29, 2019

New Mom Wanted.

Old one forgot my sixth birthday last Friday. Must have proven track record. Send resume and references to ivan at notahappycat dot com.


  1. Dang, you should get special treats all week! Happy Birthday from all of us Ivan!

  2. Mum amembers purrthdays OK. Hope you had a wonderful purrthday otherwise.

  3. Happy Belated Birthday ! You should get extra-treats for this ! Purrs

  4. Belated happy birthday! I hope your mom is making up for forgetting your day.

  5. Happy birthday! Moms... Yeah, what can ya do ?

  6. Trust me, you don't want mine! She doesn't even know when Binga and Boodie's birthdays are.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday, little guy. Hey, I could be your new mom. In fact, I could be your grandma even!

  8. Oh no, mortal sin committed here. You should milk this transgression as long as you can. Happy belated birthday sweetie pie.

    Emma and Buster

  9. Happy Belated Birthday, Ivan! Sheesh, well as long as she remembers to feed you. . . This slip up should be good for some guilt treats, etc. You are such a handsome glossy boy!

  10. Oh Ivan! You'd fit in purrfectly with Manny and CB...come out here, and we'll make sure your birthday pops up properly every year! Happy Belated, dear Ivan.

  11. dood...happee bee lated birthday N heerz ta 60 mor; we due hope that yur mom, now bee in remizz N all, haz dee sided ta let ya haz sum perch pizza piez, friez, donutz N canned goods outta de guiltee nezz oh her heart//mind

    heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez♥♥♥♥♥☺☺

  12. Happy Birthday Handsome! I'll be over to give you a birthday smooch in an hour.

  13. Oh Ivan ! We hope you get a lot of treats for your belated purrthday - and that you have many more on time purrthdays !

  14. Ivan that forgetfulness gene is in our Dad too. What is it with hoomans anyhoo?
    Happy Birthday Ivan

  15. Oh Ivan, I know how you feel!!
    My birthday is in April and mum always forgets.
    A blog pal sent me a birthday card and mum remembered.
    Maybe I should appeal for resumes too :/
    Purrs Julie


Wowee meowee.