Thursday, January 17, 2019

Good Boy Napping.

I bet you all think I do nothing but nap all the time. Like now, for instance.

Really, though, I am just faking. I don't like the camera like the other little hams who live here, so I figure if I feign sleep, eventually my mom will get bored and go away. And she did! Now I can really prepare for a weekend of naps!


  1. Elliott, you are too funny!!
    WE totally understand about mums and the camera though ;)
    Have some wonderful naps this weekend.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Elliott, we love to see your handsomeness! Smile for the camera!

  3. Mum sometimes I nap too much too. Pfft. there is no such thing as too many naps.

  4. Awww, I love, love, LOVE the camera! The camera is my friend.

  5. Naps are the very best. I miss all you boys because the Human isn't very helpful. Maybe you and Izzy should team up and teach the Brat some manners. Isn't he getting a little, um, old to be acting so naughty?? Surely he is not a teenager any more? He needs to learn some respect!

  6. did ewe get ham in de houz.....we due knot haz ham in R houz..... never mind de FSG izza veggie tarry in....we still due knot haz ham in de houz....cuzin boomer N daiz' hous haz had ham.....pork roast two !! ☺☺♥♥

  7. Hey, you got it DOWN dude. Now over here...I slink into a bad area for photographing, like behind my tree...or soaking up heat while plastered to the wall vent...just behind a my bag...up the tree to the crows nest...etc. Ya know?

  8. Elliot, I’m a lot like you. Usually when the camera comes out, I turn my head the other way. ~Ernie

  9. I like the nap avoidance technique! I need to try that.


Wowee meowee.