Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Boys Behaving Badly.

No, Mom, I didn't accost Caroline this morning. She looked forlorn in the corner so I ran up to her and fervently pet her head. I was just being friendly.

I have no idea why you told me to stop it.


  1. Much maligned, aren't you??? Will anyone hear your side of the story??

  2. Julie does that to Georgia sometimes
    She says she is just looking out for Georgia and mum tells her to stop too.
    Mums just don't understand cat behaviour do they Ivan?
    Purrs, JJ

  3. We believe you. Besides, girls are just asking for trouble. ~Wally & Ernie

  4. It's not your fault if your head petting gets a bit energetic, Ivan.

  5. Oh Ivan, a few whappy paws on Caroline's head will NOT earn you favors!

  6. dood...off topic but while yur ther in de kitshun see if any thing goodz in de fridge ~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  7. Marley is the only boycat here and he (almost) never behaves badly. ~ MARLEY

    Oops, maybe I shouldnt have said that *I* said that...


Wowee meowee.