Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Out With The Old.

We are so ready for this year to be over! We are staying in tonight, but remember -- don't nip and drive!

Happy New Year, everyone!

P.S. to Lin: Check yesterday's post for a comment on your comment.


  1. We wish you a wonderful and Happy New Year!!!

  2. ALL of you ---a Happy new year. Love and kisses.

  3. Feliz 2014 para vocês, Willian!
    Pretinha & Amigos

  4. Estamos desatualizados, que vergonha!
    Charlotte é muito bonita espero que eles fiquem amigos rapidamente, lamento que a antiga família tenha deixado ela para trás.

  5. This has been a terrible year for so many of my pals. I hope only good things come your way in 2014.

  6. Happy new year, William. May it be a *good* one for you all, may laughter and joy far, far outweigh tears and sorrow.

  7. Happy New Year to all of you! I also hope 2014 is a better year for us all.

  8. We had a pretty bad 2013 too so we're really happy to see 2014!

    Happy New Year!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. You sweet kitties have a Happy New Year! Hugs! xx

  10. OMC! The Human was so obsessed with her stoopy little pawty she has not even helped me wish my friends a Happy New Year! So, Happy New Year! Say, where's you-know-who? Screamoline didn't eat her or anything, right? XOXOXO

  11. Happy New Year!!
    We too are glad that 2013 is over.
    WE purr for all the best in 2014 for you
    and all our friends :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure,Tiger and JJ
    and Angel Tillie

  12. Happy New Year! Happy (belated) Blogoversary!

    I'm sure Charlotte will learn to love you two soon. I mean, how could she not?!? We hope 2014 proves to be a good year over at the WMD house.

  13. Good idea my furend
    Purrs for a Happy Mew Year


Wowee meowee.