Wednesday, May 01, 2013


It's me, Caroline!

I'm pretty sad because a few weeks ago we had a couple of freezing nights and the sycamores that had just started to leaf out got all frozen. So now the ones we have nearby all look like brown fall instead of green summer. And you just know that all the birdies who would have lived there this season now have to find other trees. Which means they won't be visiting us. :-(

I don't even think Cheez-Its will help.


  1. Oh Caroline, I am so sorry your Bird TV got preempted by the bad weather. :-(

  2. We bet the trees will send out new leafs. They are pretty good about that.

  3. Oh, yes, I *do* think Cheez-Its will help. I mean, they might not bring you new birds, but they'll be a good distraction. And maybe TBT is right & new leefs will come! *I* could come over and dry your little tears, Caroline. Slurp, slurp.

  4. We hope your trees will put out new leaves.

  5. Maybe they will bounce back. I sure hope they do, because it's always nice having birdies to watch.

  6. New leaves WILL come sweet Caroline. I promise. xox

  7. The same happened in our area but its starting to green up a bit


Wowee meowee.