Thursday, November 01, 2012

Thursday Wrap-Up.

So even though we had to wait in the office for a hundred hours last night, we got no trick-or-treaters, none! Now my mom is "stuck" with a bunch of candy. (Or at least will be for the next day or two...::snort::)

It's Day of the Dead and of course Mom is unprepared with an altar. I haven't even gotten to wear my DotD collar yet! I did want to show you Olivia's resting box at least, despite my mom's slowness...because you know, she has all that candy to worry about. On the lid it says Olivia at rest and inside is a little kangaroo, some chewed-on silk tree leaves that she loved, her tiara, a toy, her collar and four preserved Cheez-Its. She's all set!

Well, we hope you all survived Halloween. Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. mom says no worries about the candy.

    and Olivia's box is lovely.....

  2. Olivia's box is beautiful.
    We are sure your mum will find a good way to "dispose" of the candy. We know our mum would.

  3. We didn't get many visitors either, but mum didn't buy a lot of candy either. What is left will last her a long time.

  4. We did not get any visitors either. We never do as we live on a private road(no street lights) and there are not too many houses close by. Now,the trailer park down the road...
    Mom only buys candy she likes,heehee
    We just love Olivia's box!!That is the nicest resting place ever!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  5. We had just a few introoders.

    Olivia's box is wonderful, we got a little misty. Your Mom did beautiful work.

  6. Her box is lovely. Mom wishes she was creative enough to do something like that for Scooby. He is in the velvet bag he came home in with the Rainbow Bridge poem on it. Mom says she will find the perfect memorial box some day.

  7. A beautiful cat deserves such a pretty box.

    Our human is taking the leftover candy to Tabby's Place for the other volunteers to eat. (Something about "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" or something like that)

  8. A beautiful box for a beautiful girl.

  9. Aw, that makes us a little bit leaky, but in a good way. Olivia had a great kitty life with all of you, and she will be with you now furever, till you all meet up again. That's a beautiful resting spot. XOXOXO

    In other news, we had quite a lot of "leftover" candy. Now, the Human COULD have taken in ALL to work where there are hundreds of teenagers, know.

  10. I love Olivia's box. I am sure somewhere she is purring.

  11. Awwww, I love Olivia's box! It is beautiful, and all of her personal effects inside are purrfect mementos of the wonderful life she had with all of you. You cats are very fortunate to have such a talented and thoughtful mom.
    We are left with too much Halloween candy also. We mostly had teenage trick-or-treaters who didn't wear costumes (boring! they are too old for this!!), and quite a bit of leftover candy (uh oh, Mom and Dad might make it disappear).

  12. We didnt get a single trick or treater either. I guess I'll have to deal with that chocolate myself too..

    Love the box, very sweet memorial.

  13. Our human would have no problems in ending sweets, she looks like an ant. Linda box.

  14. What a lovely box for your sweet Olivia..

  15. Oh I *do* hope your Mom will post a picture of her St. Gertrude plaque! Maybe a picture that has Caroline in it too?

  16. William, thanks fur sharing Olivia's resting box. It is really beautiful!

    Tom, Mom Julie, Mitty, Tinker & Anastasia

  17. Snapoline? Did sumkitty bleed ofur there? Or maybe your Mom? Well, whatever. I'm sure the victim DESERVED it.

  18. candy? share it (simple).. collar...? bite it (simple).. Love Helen, Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley xxx

  19. That box is too lovely for words!

    We are sure by now (Sunday) that ebil candy has been wiped out! At least it has at our house.

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  20. what a beautiful box. any candy left, mama wants to know.

    emma and buster


Wowee meowee.