Monday, November 05, 2012

Snap Judgment.

So when exactly did November become Bite on William month? Well, I know two cats who think it is and my fur is all over the place!

I am not very happy.


  1. How about if you sprinkled Tabasco sauce on yourself? THAT would be a nasty surprise for those ill-mannered biters.

  2. Well!!! They better stop before you get naked :o
    Show your Panther Power ;) heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  3. We're surprised you're allowing those bites.

  4. Oh, William! Very sorry that they are picking on you. Maybe you should ignore them for awhile.

  5. That is NOT nice William. No bities allowed in this house with our 4 kitty cats. No way. You have every right to signal your displeasure. Hope you have a good week otherwise, though! :)

  6. Uh-oh, it's just the beginning of November!

  7. William! I'm SHOCKED. I hope you bited them right back (well, NOT if it was Sweet Caroline, of course, If she did that, she'd have had a very good reason).

    I'm awful sorry though. Would you like to teleport over and we'll do something very ManCatly, like go out for a brewski or something? I won't bite you--I don't think.

    You know, once Mr. Teeth bited Clarkie soooo hard that he losted one of his teefs. That's what the Human calls "eye-ronik."

  8. Oh William, I am furry disappointed in Screamoline. She and RUSSELL are tag-teaming you? Do you see Porky flyin' past your windows by any chance?

    I wonder if it's because you are blowing sunshine out your nosicles there?

  9. That is not good.
    I wish I could get your place to help you!!


  10. Oh no! No biting the tiny house panther, people. That's just rude.

  11. Oh, William. That's just unfair! Hope you get those whappin' paws ready. Purrs...

  12. It is so hard to be the "bitee", Scout likes my neck. -Shagyg


Wowee meowee.