Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Yes, it's happening again this week. I say, who cares if the old house is "clean"? I mean, are cats going to buy it? Then let it alone already!

And this after a whole weekend of practically no mom. Sure, she sold the yard on Saturday and all, but still. This is ridiculous. And she's so cranky when she is here that all she does is scold Russell and Pee and Caroline and Olivia. I mean really. How can a tiny boy get any blogging time, let alone any quality napping done? See? I'm getting cranky myself!


  1. Time for treats and chocolate!

    And snuggles.

    Oh, and Mommy says Captain Morgan is a great helper, whoever HE is.

  2. I don't get this whole house selling thing either - why didn't your humans sell it when they sold the yard? So confusing!

  3. There are many parts of CLEAN we hate. We say, let the house feel "relaxed".

  4. I say catnip and naps for everyone! Whoo-hoo!

  5. We just went through all that ourselves in the past week, so we definitely feel your pain.

  6. Yep, living with crankiness increases your own...

  7. crankiness rubs off doesn't it! Rise above it. Love Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx

  8. Moving has that way of bringing out the crankiness. It'll settle down soon.

  9. you need some nip! I'll bring you some.


Wowee meowee.