Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Again.

It was windy, windy, windy today, and then it got cold and windy, windy, windy. Russell has been attacking the screens in the kitchen trying to catch falling leaves he sees. I mean, I love my bro, but talk about arrested development! Of course, it runs in my family–Pee Queen is still so very entertained with her tail.

I need to remind my mom to get out our snuggly blanket! Perfect for the two of us to curl up in the den this evening!


  1. Going to be windy here too the next two days. Batten down the hatches mum says.

  2. Mommy cracked up at the arrested development...we don't get it. Really, paper wads and bits of debris are INTERESTING!

  3. I hope you get your Mom all to yourself. Oh, the things you have to put up with, what with all those crazy siblings!

  4. Oh William, yes!
    The snuggly blankie!
    Pay no attention to those silly siblings, you are moms special little guy! Never mind about that weatherstripping....
    You have the quote of the day on our blog.....come see!

  5. Stay safe and warm, William. We hope your Mom reads your blog so she remembers to get your blanket out.

  6. It's definitely time for cosy blankets, maybe heated kitty beds if you're so lucky! :-)

  7. My Dad put in a new stove for the cold weather. I love it!!
    Cat Mandu

  8. mmmm, snuggy blankie...

  9. Snuggly blanket time. Sounds very enticing.

  10. Hooray for curling up in a snuggly blanket weather!

  11. Maybe Russell cant see the screen. Iza is like that. The Big Thing opens the deck door while the screen is closed an she jus smacks right inta it tryin ta get out!


  12. He he he. Arrested development.!

    That cold front and wind are making their way across the country. Tomorrow we expect warmer than usual followed by the front.

  13. Did you guys get snows? I hope you got cuddles in a nice warm blankie!


Wowee meowee.