Monday, June 01, 2009

I Think I Was Gypped.

Oh, sure, I thought we might get a William-colored car and what does my mom get instead? An Other Russell-color car! It's white!

See how excited he is, waving at the thing? What a baby. Wait until he takes a ride in the cat fix-it place or some other terrible cat-poking event. He won't be so happy then.

Oh yeah, and I've heard it all, like how hot a black car gets and not to forget I have a spot of white on my belly, but really. I guess I should be glad we didn't get a Caroline's eyes-colored car or a Gracie's nose-colored car or a Olivia Kangaroo-colored car!


  1. Gee I would have to dye my furs blue to match our metal monster.

  2. I think there is some serious favoritism going on here!

  3. So what if a black car gets hot. Don't people understand about the cold air blowing thingy??? Tsk. They shoulda got a black car and named it the WilliaMobile.

  4. In diz day and age, I heard dat habbin' any green paperz ta gits anyfing is a good fing, so just be happie youz got 'beans wif money fur a car. We iz purr-aying and thankin' fur our warm house and full tummies 'round these parts.

  5. I think Cory is serious Favoritism going on here! Make your mom put black seat covers inside.

  6. I hope Russell doesn't get big-headed because your Mom's car is the same color as him. Our Mom's car is teal but I've never seen a teal kitty!

  7. A white car may mean more money for treats and toys. At least that's what we've been told.

  8. Hi gang! We didn't know you were back!
    Well, a white car will not upstage the cats, and that all that matters, huh?

  9. Oh William! Go see Faz the Cat's blog there is a cat that looks just like Russell and climbs walls...really...go look it "Spider Cat".

    Take care my furry black friend.

  10. Wow - Russell does look pretty excited!


Wowee meowee.