Sunday, September 14, 2008

Harvest Moon.

I waited patiently all weekend. Last night was close, but I knew. Tonight I'm in my window, soaking up the light of the giant full moon. Thrilling, because I know even later than this we will all celebrate all over the house.

My bro right now, instead of moonbathing? Snoozing on the toaster oven.


  1. Lucky you, we got clouds. Maybe tomorrow night I can moonbathe.

  2. Oh I should go out and sit in my window to check out the moon!

  3. We hope you enjoy your moonbath. Snoozing on a toaster oven also sounds good, especially if it is warm.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

  4. Is it as wonderful as sunbeams? We'll have to go check it out!

  5. Oh William, you look so a manly way of course!

    Tommy and I have already been celebrating the big moon!

  6. That silly Russell! You just have to love the giant moon this time of year. Have fun, and maybe you guys can keep your Mom up all night partying...

  7. The only drawback to moonbathing is that it can't warm you up like a sunny spot can. May be that's why Russell prefers the toaster oven.

  8. i'm being followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow moonshadow.
    leaping and hopping on a moonshadow........

    hey, that sounds like fun!

  9. Shine on,shine on Harvest moon...
    Enjoy the moonbeams William!!
    My sisfur Tillie loves to sleep on the toaster oven too!! Yup,she's half baked too,;) heh,heh,heh

    Purrs Mickey

  10. We had a beautiful moon last night and we all got a chance to moonbathe.

  11. We all saw The Big Moon the past coupla nights, so we know whatya mean. Its how we count time, mostly (well, that an "days").

    We are special ecited cause The Big Thing says we can all go out inna few minutes to watch the moon inna dark. He decided Ayla was old enough ta go out inna dark, which means we can all go out (we couldn't fer a few moonths cause she couldnt).

    Skeeter an LC

  12. wasn't the moon just gorgeous? ~the fluffy tribe

  13. You had the right idea, William. A toaster oven is no place to get a decent moontan.


Wowee meowee.