Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cat Treats.

Here's the recipe for Parmesan Fish (passed on to me by my bro Eddie, who loved these):
Frozen puff pastry sheets (not Puff pastry sheets)
FISH-SHAPED cookie cutters
Grated Parmesan cheese

Defrost the puff pastry according to the package directions. Cut the pastry with the FISH-SHAPED cookie cutters and place FISH SHAPES on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the egg and beat to make an egg wash. Paint the wash over the FISH SHAPES with a pastry brush.* Sprinkle cheese liberally over the FISH SHAPES and bake at 375° until puffed and golden.

*This last time I had Mom use a little melted butter instead of the egg wash because I love butter.

Be sure to do the same preparation on the "leftover" pastry after you've cut out your fish. These pieces can look like coral and you can have a great big old fish scene before you eat any!

Don't forget to snoopervise the whole operation, too.


  1. ooh, thanks for the recipe William. i will make sure my Mom makes them when she's bakin' christmas cookies this year

  2. That sounds good. In fact, my human might even have to taste those..

  3. oooo thanks William! We will haf mommy make us some for the holidays

  4. What a great photo! Looks like you guys are doing a great job, snoopervising!!!! Headbonks,

    Mr. C and Ms. M

  5. Oh Oh Oh... hahaha humans not allowed. Nananana. All right, they can TRY this recipe. But it's OURS.

    Thanks for sharing - this is something we can do on our own. Awesome!

    Purrs an Purrs and Loves

  6. Thanks for the recipe! You and Russell look like you're doing a great job snoopervising

  7. Thanks for the yummy recipe William. We will have to bug mom to make some for us. You and Russell are very cute snoopervising!

  8. Oh that sounds so nummy that we shall make Mommy make us some too. We'll may even let her have some if she's good!

  9. Oh, I think even a useless cook like me could make those - and eat them!

    Yes William, I did serve a cat called William - which is why I was so amazed when the very first cat blogger I came across was you, who is named William and looks like Oliver:) xxx

  10. The snoopervision is the most important part!
    Looks like Russell is catching on.

  11. I will ba asking Mommy to make these for me pronto! Thank you for sharing the recipe guys! I think melted butter will add to the yummyness of it all!
    I admire both of your snoopervising skills. Russell has the look down very well for such a young kitty.

  12. WOW!
    How is Russell balancing that whole COW on his head!?!

  13. Thanks for the recipe. And snoopervising is the biggest part of cooking. Good job!

    -Jasper McKitten-Cat

  14. That sounds like a great recipe. I think Momma would probably want to share our treats, though.

  15. Oh those sound yummy! Except the puff pastry does concern me a little...


Wowee meowee.