Monday, September 24, 2007

Time Thieves.

So my mom was on the phone with India again tonight and after an hour the tech confirmed the modem was faulty. And that she could replace the modem for $149 dollars because guess what? The thing died eleven days out of warranty. How convenient is that?

So Mom wasn't very happy about this and I wasn't either because do you know how many cat toys that is? Anyway, she demanded to speak to someone about this stupid matter and so she was left on hold for the billing department with the absolute worst connection possible and their solution was to cancel service and sign up again and then she could get a new modem for $39. How about a great big food dish of NO?

So I said to Mom, as long as the modem isn't under warranty any more we can break that little seal that says Warranty Void If Seal Is Broken. So we did. And guess what? "It was dirt, dirt in the fuel line. I just blowed it away."

I'm so happy we fixed it that it's Contest Time! The first cat who can name the movie that line comes from will get a special prize! Extra bonus if you can name the actor, too! (You can get help from your moms and dads.)

Anyway, I love my mom a whole bunch even though I know there's something terrible in her bathroom. I wasn't so mad at her today because I couldn't smell whatever that is on her. I went to the door for a few minutes and hissed and spit at the thing but I have so much catching up to do from being a Slowski that for the moment I'm off the mystery.


  1. Your mom is pretty good with hardware! We know that line is not from Tremors or Escape from NY or Slapshot, cause those are my mom's favorite movies and she know most of the dialogue. Oh yeah, and A Christmas Story too.

    Hissing at The Thing tha Lives in the Bathroom is a pretty good idea whatever it is. I put the hiss on Baby Jake today just for good measure.

  2. That is from one of DKM's favorite movies - Bonnie and Clyde!

  3. Oops - here is the rest. The character was C.W. Moss and the actor is Michael Pollard who was also in Star Trek. DKM has a mind for mindless knowledge.

  4. oh yeah, A Christmas Story is awsome.

    was the movie Bonnie and Clyde? we has no idea who said it, because mommy can't 'member the actor's name and she doesn't want to look it up.

  5. Tell her to go buy her own "modem" an escaspe the beins who have to talk long-distance.

    Skeeter and LC

  6. My Woman's real name is Bonnie and she heard so much teasing that she could never watch Bonnie and Clyde so we will take DKM's word for it!

  7. Oh William, adventures & mystery galore at your house! Whats in the bathroom?????????

  8. More importantly Michael Pollard was in an episode of "The Girl from U.N.C.L.E."

  9. Oh William, you are so clever to think of breaking the seal and then blowing the dirt out of the modem!

    Please don't keep us in suspenders for much longer, we want to know who or what is in the bathroom...:)

  10. Oh man, there is something in the bathroom. Have you noticed your mommy going in there holding things like cat toys or cat blankies???

    I'm glad your modem is fixed so we can see photographic evidence of whatever type of monster it is.

  11. It's nice to meet you, William! Messing around with technology is fun. I'm glad you guys figured out the modem problem. Can't wait to find out what's in the bathroom...
    Your new buddy, Jimmy Joe

  12. We do have a bad feeling about the bathroom - last time it smelled funny Caroline walked out!

  13. I think we know who is in your bathroom. Maybe a new kitty?

  14. William,you are a smart cat.Good thing your Mom had you around to fix the modem!
    Do you have somecat in the bathroom??!Is it noisy?Good thing you have your own bathroom ;)

  15. Hmmm ... the bathroom mystery sounds like another case for Inspector Dino to solve!

  16. Oh oh oh I can't wait! Please tell us what's in the bathroom soon.

    I'm glad you told your Mom how to fix the modem.

  17. Gee whiz, it sure sounds like you had the problems lately. So glad you solved it William by blowing the dirt out. Mom has to deal with dialup all the time cause we lives out in the boonies and DSL hasn't made it out this far yet. That's why it's hard for us to visit more often. So glad you stopped by our blog again for a visit. Was great to see you again. We will try harder to visit you more often. Yeah, Mom gets upset too when she has to talk to India. Sometimes she'll ask to speak someone who speaks english if she can't understand them very well.


  18. Way to go! That's the way to fix it!

    Our Mom once had to call India about her Dell computer. The power supply went bad just days after the warranty ran out, but they still made good on it because she created a fuss. Sometimes she can get a little hysterical about things.



Wowee meowee.