Tuesday, August 14, 2007


OK, so you know Mom found the box kinda chewed on yesterday. So today here I am, trying to pretend that I am simply lounging on the box and that maybe something very weird happened where it got even more chewed on! I mean, see all the new cardboard bits all over? And I can't imagine how that would have happened!

But it's teasing me and I just can't help myself.


  1. Love your blog. Please feel free to visit ours at Krasota Castle Cats--

  2. William, you are so very right, that box WAS teasing you and DESERVED to be bited

  3. You must chew on the box is there isn't any weatherstripping to munch on!

  4. You must chew on the box is there isn't any weatherstripping to munch on!

  5. Except for the fact that we look nothing alike, we could be twins! I do the exact same thing. The Lady has to lock up all boxes in closets so I can't get to them.

  6. i don't see how those bits got there. maybe the box is just falling apart

  7. Hehehe.....boxes that tease deserve all the chew they get!

  8. Cardboard is there to put the chomp on! I LOVE cardboard!
    ~Orlando Bun

  9. If yer not sposed to chew it, why leave it there? anyfing left lying around is fair game.

  10. Cardboard is very fragile. Sometimes I just brush against it and it crumbles.

    Everything is so cheap and shabby these days.

    happy Day Wills!

  11. I can't believe how that box was teasing you. It was so bad I was batting at the screen. It stinks the flashy box caught you, you were looking so casual and nonchal-ant in that first photo...

    Hey, everyone is looking for their nose twin and I since we're twins, I can totally see that. What do you think?

  12. I don't like to chew boxes but if I had one like that I probably couldn't resist either.

  13. Chew on William! Just make sure you have your innocent look in place before your mom sees it.

  14. If the human says anything, just say it's all about dental hygiene. OK? FAZ

  15. I love to chew on boxes yet the mess i make makes mom mad.

  16. Dis is how yoo cleans yur teef. Can't dey see dat?

  17. Doesn't she know if she just left the lid off you'd curl up and sleep in it instead of eating it?


Wowee meowee.