Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday.

Mom. Just because there were two of these

from local TV stations flying all around and just because William said they were looking for me

there's no call for you to hold me up to the door and yell out, "Are you looking for this little girl? Because she's right here!"

Moms! Brothers!

For more Meezer Rule Wednesday, visit Cat Crossings, Sammy and Miles and Simply Siamese. And and and Krasota Castle Cats!


  1. Well my goodness! It looks like William got his sense of humor from mom.
    Who or what were they looking for, did you find out?

  2. Well, we know better than to hide at your house!

  3. O Caroline, how awful. They probably thought it was funny.

  4. How could they gang up to tease you?

  5. Lux is right and it is kind of funny. My mom is laughing right now.

  6. that wasn't very nice of your mommy. now, brothers are supposed to do that, but how could your mommy tease you so? i hope you all shared in extra treats to make up for it!

    *snicker* sorry, i don't mean to laugh, but it is kinda funny....

  7. PS I tagged you for the middle name MeMe!

  8. HeeHeeHee - I like your Mommy's sense of humor!

  9. Space aliums, they always look for space aliums.
    Nice teethy work on they box too!

  10. heehee you haf to admit that is kinda funny ~The Fluffy Tribe


Wowee meowee.