Sunday, January 07, 2007


I guess some of you thought it was a little weird that we would even have this information. Well, it's not like Mom actually kept track before this (unless you counted the weekly question, "William, must you kick 50 pounds of litter out of the box?" which isn't very accurate). But she does keep receipts and I asked her to look through them. I know she feels like she lugs home five times the amount she does, but as you can tell by her weekly question, she tends to exaggerate the whole litter thing.

So the answer is:
677 pounds!

The first place winner is Mittens (The Calico Girls), who had the closest guess of 668 pounds

The second place winner is Miles (The Meezers), who had the next-closest guess of 700 pounds

Congratulations to you both! Please contact me at wmthecat @ netscape dot net with contact info so I can rush off your prizes, and Mittens, please let me know which prize you'd like.

Thanks to everyone who played! I enjoyed meeting some new commenters, too!


  1. holy cow! I was runner up??? I is so happy our bestest furriend Mittens winned. I sented an email to you. Fank you! It was a fun contest. - Miles

  2. We agree with Derby!! That's a lotta litter! Thanx for the fun contest!!!


  3. Wow, wow, wow, wow!!! We want the money to go to Safe Haven For Cats in Catifornia. I will post the link on our blog tomorrow and Momma will email you....Thank you so much for the great contest.



  4. Oh my! That's way more than we thought! That's a lot of cat litter!

  5. Now you've got my mom wondering how much *we go through! Congrats, Mittens & Miles!

  6. YAY fur Mittens! an YAY fur Miles too! that's one whole lotta litter. it wuz a fun contest - thank you!

  7. Catcatulations Mittens and Miles! hehehe funny contest William :) You's da bomb!
    Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

  8. I would have said a lot more than that! But, I would have been thinking about how much it weighed with your deposits in it.

    Congrats to the winners!

  9. Congratulations to Mittens and Miles. We wouldn't guessed this much considering how much we kick out of the box, mostly the Musketeers. And, we thought 80 lbs of litter per week was a lot!

  10. Boy, that's a lot of litter. You must have the cleanest litterbox in the world!

  11. I'm glad your teethies feel better, William! I asked my dad to guess how much litter we use. He thinks about 400 lbs, which sounds about right since there are fewer of us but we use heavier clumping litter. Happy Bloggerverseraryaryaryaryryary!


Wowee meowee.