Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Heat Is On.

So Mom finally turned on the heat last night because we were supposed to get a freeze. She even brought in the geraniums from the patio and put them in the Forbidden Garage! Anyway, as much as I love the warm air, it smelled all funny so I had to run from room to room and complain a lot. Mom kept saying, "It's just the heat for the first time, Tiny Boy," but I kept doing it anyway. I don't usually talk but I had a whole lot to say about that weird heat smell.

Anyway, it didn't get down to freezing after all, so all my little outdoor pals stayed safe. In fact, look who came by to visit!

"Can William come out to play?" Posted by Picasa


  1. Aw, how cute!

    Our Mom had our heat turned on the other day, also, and we're further south than you ... but the mornings do get very cold now!

  2. How did my stick friend get to your house? I saw him on our back porch screen yesterday!

  3. our teenagers are goin' ta where you live wif their dad next month. there's no reason on erf why you'd care 'bout that, but we just like ta throw randumb stuff out there.

    we like yur furrend!

  4. I'm glad it didn't freeze after all, so your friend can stick around a little longer. He looks very comfortable there near the window.

  5. We have those here. We've seen them. Mom says they are called little green Williams friends. ~Merlin, Shadow, KO KO

  6. You sure got some strange looking buddies down your way Willy....

    Its getting colder here too, I like to sit on the heat registers and warm up my tummy....

    Have a cozy day.

    Love, The Mitz

  7. Um...just what is that thing, Wm? We never saw one of those before. Maybe they only live where you are and not in Whisk-onsin.

  8. Our Mom also turned on the heat today. It was not that cold, but we like it warm and toasty.

  9. GTM&M, that's a preying mantis. Usually they're green but this one's a very special one because she's tan! I've never had a tan preying mantis for a friend before. I could hardly see her against the bricks!

  10. we've had the heat on every day. you stay warm, it's important for poodins to stay warm, we can't put on sweaters!

  11. You should live in our part of the country. We need the heat on one day, air conditioning the next.

  12. Does that mean that mantis is religious?



Wowee meowee.