Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Is This Fair?

When Mom does her cat check in the mornings before she leaves because one of us – and I won't name names, I'll just call her "Olivia" – has been known to get trapped like a rat in a closet, sometimes another of us – and I won't name names, I'll just call her "Caroline" – hides and hides and won't come out no matter how many times Mom calls for her and no matter how many times she says, "Come on, "Caroline," I have to go."

So you know what Mom does? She rattles the treats so we all come running – even Eddie, who usually sleeps through these things. But then, WE DON'T GET ANY TREATS. Who has my book of cat rules, anyway, because I'm pretty sure this is against the law.

Oh sure, she looks innocent. Posted by Picasa


  1. Hmmm. This wasn't covered by my rules the other day.

    Rule 5 - If the mom shakes the treats, she has to give some out.

    Does that work Wm?

  2. My mommy laughed and laughed when she read this because she checks on each one of us before she leaves, but mostly because I'm faster than fast, and once or twice I launched out the door from between their feet like a rocket. So she likes to be sure I'm far away from the door.

    Once I made it into the neighbor's yard, and my mommy vaulted over a rock wall fence like one of those women who can lift up a car if her child is in danger! Even she couldn't believe she did it afterwards!

    But, as for the treats, Derby is right - in my rule book (revised 2006), Rule #5 covers exactly that.

  3. Good thing you didn't mention any names, William, and took the path of protecting the innocent.

    There was once when my Eponine spent an entire weekend in a closet. I couldn't believe it.

    And you're right. I am certain there is some sort of federal offense or something going on there. It's under the "Shaking and Producing" section of the rule book.

  4. You are furry correct - it's against the law in our house to rattle treats and then not get any. that gets mommy a furry big bitey on the toes.

  5. I don't think that's very fair in the slightest. My human pet does that to both Isis and I as well, and it never makes me happy. Maybe you need to nip her ankle to get her to realize that this is just cruel and unusual punishment - and you haven't done anything wrong like your sisters so you don't deserve it!

  6. Oh NO! William, that am terry-bull. I fought you had a nice Momma. What happened to her?!?!?!

  7. We fink it is called torcher, an there's lots of rools about that. Our mum yoosed to rattle them furr Eric when he was little cuz he wudunt always come in when he wuz told.He's a good boy like me now. an comes when he's cawled.
    Our mum says fanks furr the advice about our archives. MaryLynn is looking at it furr us, and sed she shood be able to fix it. We's keeping mum away furrom fings she duzn't unnerstand when it's done.

  8. Furry furry wrong! Owr mom rattles the treets AND rings a bell so we comes running and she gives us some treets and tells us bye and be good boys and no wild partees. One time when Jasper (who came befor) first adopted mom, and she didn't do that yet, he got trapped in the bedroom and she dint' know until she came home that night. That's wen she started the treets befor leaving program.


  9. Wow, that stinks Willy!!! But, heh, its happened here too on occasion. The trick is to 'voice' your displeasure, loud and clear, while the humans are out of the house. Leaving a turd ball or three in some obscure place (where it can go undetected for a day or two) is always a good wakeup call for the humans. Next time,rattling will mean yummmmm...on the way.
    Headbonks, The Mitz

  10. That bites.

    She could at least give one treat to one of you - and I won't name names, I'll just call you "Squilliam."

  11. Caroline is very pretty. Kitty dad said she can live here anytime.

  12. Im with you on this one ... Hummy's treats come in plastic bags ... so every time a plastic bag is rattled in our house we all run for the treats ... NOW THATS NOT FAIR cuz some packets dont contain treats at ALL!!!

  13. That's so unfair, William. If my mum opens the treat cupboard and I hear her and come running, she has to give me at least one treat to avoid disappointing me, even if she actually opened the cupboard to get out something entirely different!!!

  14. Whoa, that totally sucks. What a stinkin choice, stay locked in a closet or run for the treat fake-out! But I have been locked in the closet a time or two..

  15. That isn't fair at all! She needs a copy of Rule 5. Our Mom always checks on us when she leaves too, but mostly just to tell us she's leaving and she'll be back. And anytime she shakes the treat bag, she forks over!

  16. that's just wrong. ya know what our Lady does? she tries ta pick up a bag of Temptations real quiet an puts it behind her back an tries ta sneak outta the house wif it ta give some ta the kitty that just comes ta visit! we always hear it or smell them and come running before she can get out the door. then she hasta give us some furrst

  17. Caroline probably figures your Mom won't leave if she can't find one of you ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko kO


Wowee meowee.