Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Now I Have A Tiny Headache.

My mom wanted to finish up some sewing tonight, so we were all hanging out with her in the room that used to be my room and then was Olivia's recuperation room and then Caroline's recuperation room and is now Mom's sewing room and the room we can't go in to without supervision. But do you know what? She had the radio on, and instead of having the usual music playing, she had on something called the "oldies station." And she was singing to every single song!

I was just going to cover my ears but I decided I better find some place to hide before she decided to make us dance with her.


  1. William, are you sure it was singing? Maybe it was caterwauling, which humans don't do as well as cats. If so, give her credit for trying. If not, try biting her toes the next time she does it.

  2. we don't mind the dancing, as long as she doesn't sing at the same time.

  3. when Moms sing is usually means they're happy, so that's a good thing.

  4. I like my mama's singing. She is happy when she sings. I like happy.

  5. I am an oldie so I like the same oldies music that Momma does. (I'm 14 years old).

  6. We hearded you got flooding waters! Are you OK, Tiny Boy???

    That room has lotsa names!


  7. Our human mom & dad are oldies too! But goodies!

  8. Oldies are goodies! However, dancing is definitely out. You were right to run and hide, William. I would have done the same thing!

  9. Oh I hate it when Momma sings! She said one time she had a cat that bit her when she started to sing. I haven't done that, but well I sing MUCH better than she does!

  10. As long as she doesn't step on your paws, I don't see that it can be a bad thing, Squilliam!

    I'm not one for rules, but having supervision in a sewing room is smart! Remember what happened to Brach when he swallowed some thread?

  11. At least you didn't have to listen to Hee Haw for 3 hours. We would have traded places. -- Sky, Blackie and Charlie

  12. Be happy she wasn't singing the theme from "The Love Boat" like my dad or the theme from "Magilla Gorilla" like my mom. That's enough to send any kitty to the nip.

  13. just feel good that you doesn't haf a teenager who plays the flute all the time! an just when she was gettin pretty good at it, she brought home what must be a baby flute an it's even squeakier an she doesn't play it so good yet. we hafta hide

  14. Oh tiny boy, I hopes your head is better now. I think moms like to sing no matter how they sound.

  15. Oh, man, the Woman tries to sing sometimes, too, and it's PAINFUL. Even Buddah tried to put his paws over her mouth!

  16. Our mama doesn't sing, but she likes the oldies. Sometimes she puts country on the cable TV and it hurts our ears. Yowl...Yowl..


Wowee meowee.