Thursday, May 19, 2005

Things My Mom Is Not Made Out Of.

1. Cat Toys.
2. Cat Food.
3. Money.

So that's why there's an exciting update on the carpet. After two tries at two different places in trying to get it installed and still be able to have some of the above, Mom did some research and decided to go with the Legato system.

We picked the color and got it ordered and everything. We should have it in about two weeks. No major disruption of the furniture, no two days of aliens in the house, and no making us hide in the bathroom so we stay safe.

Do you know what else that means?

I will be able to help!


  1. Colour - colour - COLOUR. What was the COLOUR!

  2. Cool! DIY projects are the best - I know that you are not just going to help, but you will make some really important contributions by supervising too! Have fun!


  3. Hi, Diva Kitty! Well, of course I wanted black--you know, so no one would see me. But it doesn't come in that color. (BTW, their website is kinda outdated in the color department, and we actually got a texture that's not shown there, either.) At least I stopped my mom from choosing some green-like color, since she's on a green-like kick. None of us would benefit from that. So we compromised on a warm tan called "Flapjack." Kinda dull, if you ask me, but I guess it *will* most closely match my brother's hairball-inspired volcanic accidents.

  4. Black would have been the best for pouncing – but I guess beige is ok. A big perk is being able to chew on the corners, my fluffies would love that!

  5. Getting new carpets are exciting! When we gotted ours last year, I got to go out on the deck and enjoy the weather for a few hours and when I came back in, there was this soft squishy stuff under my toes! And I must say, it brought the room together. Now our furniture matches! LOL!! And, it hides my furballs well. But, that monster that lives in the closet likes to come and suck up all my furballs so I have to roll around on the ground a lot. Man I don't like that monster in the closet.

  6. Beige is okay, but I agree with black then you could have hidden better. Befor we moved my Mom had black couches and you couldn't see me on them at all unless my eyes were open. :) ~Merlin


Wowee meowee.