Tuesday, March 08, 2022

What Next.

I am hooked on my cat tree!
Yeah, I know it's lame but my mom was all SQUEE! about my tail. You know how they get.


  1. You definitely are secured to that tree, Izzy.

  2. They get excited about it because it is something they can't do, not having a tail and all.

  3. Are you sure you aren't part pirate? You could use that tail as a grappling hook to board the next ship you come upon and take all their treats! !

  4. Izzits, your tailio DOES look sorta prehensile!
    I squee when Sweetie curls her tailio like the loop at the top of a Dairy Queen ice cream cone!

  5. total lee awesum play on werdz dood !!! for sure :) ♥♥♥

    we think thiz dee serves a donut pizza pie ☺☺

  6. I do like the tail wrap.
    I can see why your mum was all squee.
    Humans are pretty easy to impress ;)
    Purrs, Julie


Wowee meowee.