Tuesday, February 01, 2022

On Watch.

There's a big storm coming! We're hoping for snow since we haven't gotten any all season.
We're pretty excited because watching snowflakes is much more fun than watching raindrops. What we're not looking forward to are the days of extra-freezy temps that are supposed to come with it. I'm just glad we've got nowhere to go, have a warm home and plenty of CAT FOOD!

* * * * *
And I almost forgot, fellow babies. RIP Dr. Johnny Fever.


  1. Dad says he doesn't wanna hear any more about snow. He and mom spent this past Saturday shoveling his boss's almost-quarter mile-long twisty steep driveway. Says they moved from New England to get away from that sh*t (his exact words, not mine).

  2. Glad you are safe inside from the storm. XO

  3. That must be the same storm heading our way…we’re supposed to get a foot of snow!

  4. Yes, I agree, safe and inside with the warms is just the best! We were sad to hear about Johnny Fever too.

  5. Sounds like you're ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at you.

  6. Wow, everybody is having stormy weather but us! And honestly, we could use some wet stuff. Even if it's rain. Especially rain.

  7. Yup, snow flurries are fun to watch but not so fun to walk in as they make your toes cold. I like inside where the blowing warm air keeps me warm.
    Mum says we are getting a lot of mixed weather this week!
    Mum was sad to hear about Jonny Fever too.
    Purrs, Julie

  8. Watching snowflakes is much better than being out in them. Having plenty of food is better still!

  9. Yes, it was sad about Johnny Fever. I think he was 80? They are leaving us too quickly.
    Boys! We have had all the snow we wish to have and that ain't much. 3 inches pr so at a time so far....

  10. Ivan, we are currently at the front edge of the snowstorm, that just switched over from rain. Good thing I don't have to commute to the office, and instead can listen to Sweetie sing the song of her people all day...

  11. dood....we getted over a feetz...want sum...we will glad lee share; ship free oh charge and noe limit on how much ewe want !!! :) ♥♥

  12. Warm house, good food, what can be better while watching snowflakes drift down?


Wowee meowee.