Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Troubling Times.

Something terrible is afoot. Every day our mom puts out our dinner a little bit later and a little bit later.
Ivan's no help because he doesn't seem to care one way or another. Does he not get that the stupid time change is coming in a few weeks and by then we won't get dinner for hours? Look! I've already lost a gram just thinking about it!


  1. We've been worried about that time change and feeding schedule too!

  2. You look thinner already. You poor kitty..XO

  3. What time change thing? Am I missing something? Now I'm nervous!

  4. We're fed all day long, so we don't have to worry about that. But the time change does mean we all have to get used to new bedtime and wake-time routines.

  5. Time change? OH noes!!! That means it will be dark all the time, at least that's how it feels :/
    I do hope your dinner will not be affected!
    Purrs, Julie

  6. Oh no! I hope you don't starve! Our time change is this weekend.

  7. dood....ewe R lookin kinda leen ther buddy....best ta beef up a head oh time just in case yur mom mooves de clox bak two like australia time then ya looze out on a HOLE DAY ~~~~~ YOW !!!!!! ☺☺♥♥

  8. Izzits, you have food on the brain!
    However, it's not a bad idea to start moving meal times, otherwise Sweetie will keep waking us up at the butt-crack of dawn everyday.

  9. You got my mom (well, me too) laughing this morning! I know its going to happen here too. Mom just hasn't done anything that she should to make it easier for me!

  10. Hey! that must be what is happening around here too! And the days are getting shorter. It is DARK by the time the evening news comes on...

  11. Uh, sure, Iz- pretty soon you'll be shrinking away to nothing, right?

  12. TBT tried getting us from 4 meals a day to 3 once and we bit his ankles (no not really but we pretended) but meowed piteously when we got hungry. End of problem. He's a pushover.


Wowee meowee.