Monday, December 23, 2019

Festivus For The Rest Of Us.

"I got a lot of problems with you people and now you're going to hear about it."

Welcome to our Festivus celebration! We've got our pole up and everything.

We start with Airing of Grievances.

Elliott: My brothers are always up my nose. Get a clue, boys! Leave me alone already.

Izzy: I want access to food all the time every day. I'd say I'm sick of yipping about it but really I like to yip. It's kinda my thing.

Ivan: Why do we even have Elliott if I can't bite on him once in a while and make him yell? I'd hardly call that fair.

We're saving the Feats Of Strength until after dinner but Mom will probably stop that as she usually does. In the meantime, Happy Festivus, everyone!


  1. Y'all really are ready for your celebration!

  2. Very valid grievances. Happy Festivus! I will make a donation to The Human Fund in your name :) XO

  3. Festivus isn't the same here without Binga.

  4. Dad's ashamed to say he's never even heard of this, but he's certainly full of grievance-airing these last few days, especially about all the bad-for-you holiday treats he's been forced to eat at work.

  5. I love this photo of all three of you!
    Being a pampered housecat is not a walk in the park, is it, boys?
    Wish I could hug each of you...
    Happy Holidays!

  6. Well, these are serious grievances, fur sure.


Wowee meowee.