Thursday, October 24, 2019

Uh Oh.

Guess what I saw on my mom's to-do list today? "HALLOWEEN DECS." You know what that means.

I am going to find a spot to lay low. Let her decorate those little boys, but leave me out of it!


  1. Sounds like a pawsome plan Elliott!
    We all know mums can get a little crazy with decorations :/
    Have a pawsome weekend.
    Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Please let her dress you- I bet you would look adorable. XO

  3. Even I don't like some of the decorations my human puts on me! (Although I do like most of them.)

  4. Halloween decs are fun to swat. Our humans don't seem too keen to do some decorating this year. It's particularly a busy year so far.

    Emma and Buster

  5. Elliott, those 'little' boys, as you call them, are quite grown up, and are full-sized now! Bet you'd all look adorbs in orange colors, just sayin'...

  6. Come over here Handsome. Mom would never dare to decorate ME, so you would be safe as houses. I'll send the coordinates again.

  7. Hide so she doesn't dress you up in a costume.

  8. Yeah we are lucky Dad gives us a pass (due to historical hissy fits) MOL

  9. The housekeeper was digging out the Halloween decs this past week and came across a really sissy collar for me and I told her to shove cat language, of course, not understood by her, so I was safe! - Tom x


Wowee meowee.