Monday, September 16, 2019

We're Back.

And so is Mom with that stoopy camera.

At least I got some good naps in before she started interrupting again!

* * * * * * * * * *

Thanks for the music, Eddie and Ric. R.I.P.


  1. RIP from me too. I remember them so well. Welcome back.

  2. We are happy you are back though we understand about moms and the camera! "sigh"
    Hope you all had a fun vacation. We missed yo.
    Mum also says thanks to Eddie and Ric for the music and memories.
    Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. Welcome back gang! Yes, thanks Eddie and Ric.

  4. I guess not all kitties enjoy being supermodels, like I do!

  5. Glad you're back! And yes, RIP from dad, too. He grew up with their voices along with so many others. Kind of scary how time is flying by so fast.

  6. Ivan, you've lived there long enough to know the camera is a way of life. As if anything a human does will interfere with a cat's napping schedule! And at Eastside Cats, The Hubby will join in on the photography, making funny noises or adding needed light to snap images of adorable cats! What heck our cats live in...

  7. grate ta see ya bak thiz way again guyz !! ☺☺♥♥


Wowee meowee.