Monday, July 01, 2019

Waiting For The Rain.

I can hear the thunder, so I know it's on the way. We're in the monsoon season, after all.

We love it because it gets all breezy and cools the hots right down. Plus, we sometimes see a rainbow after the rain passes us! We think those rainbows are sent by our old bro William from the other side, just like he's saying hello to us. We know they make our mom smile.


  1. I'm a big fan of rainbows too. And of William.

  2. Rainbows are cool. Mum says that is The Bridge coming down to pick someone up.

  3. Yes! What a lovely way to think of rainbows! Here we have not the sound of thunder but the sound of fireworks for Canada Day!

  4. We don't get many thunderstorms here.

  5. Rainbows from William, what a happy thought.
    We have had thunder lots in the past week and lots of rain.
    Even this week we might see a bit of rain :/
    At least the temps are getting more summery.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  6. We miss William too, and anything that makes your mom smile is a good thing! We have hot weather, with high humidity, and only pop-up thunderstorms in the forecast. Some wind, at least, would be nice, Ivan.

  7. dood...rainbowz R total lee awesum... we hope sum day ya can see a double rainbow..... N we hope de monsoonz R knot vizshuz ~~~~~~~~~


  8. We think they are from William too and love that you fellows can see him waving to you and Mom


Wowee meowee.