Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wind Advisory.

Well, it has warmed up but then came the wind. It's been making the tree branches slap against the window and that scares my little brothers. What babies.

I don't mind it because sometimes you just don't know what you might see flying about. It can be quite entertaining.

Want to know a secret? I wouldn't mind if those little yippy chihuahuas from next door kinda went sailing. Now, that would be entertaining.


  1. We must admit that we would love to see little doggies blowing in the breeze too ;) MOL!!!
    Have a fun and relaxing weekend Elliott :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. We would like to see flying chihuahuas too!

  3. Yes, sometimes the blowing things are fun to watch!

  4. Oh Elliott! Around us, the wind makes stuff fall out of the trees, and The 'O' Cats don't like being pelted with it all! Maybe I need to find cat-sized hard hats for them...and an adult-sized one for me!

  5. We agree that would be really funny. Hopefully the winds don't scare your little brothers anymore. We know your the brave one. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  6. You are a funny fellow Elliot. That would be a funny sight. Thanks friends fur coming to my birthday pawty
    Miss Fitz

  7. That would sure be a sight. Come to think of it, that's what I'd like to see with that little yapper on mom and dad's laps from my last post! Mom says sometimes there should be a wind advisory near dad's butt...

  8. Flying chihuahuas, MOL ! We would like to see that too ! Purrs

  9. MOL, a yappy dog flying. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Hey, Elliott - Save me a seat if you see those chihuahuas take off..haha. - Tom x

  11. Mommy just said that was the first real out loud laugh..well, guffaw really, she has had all day!


Wowee meowee.