Thursday, May 09, 2019

Champion Napper.

I can sleep through just about anything. Not only am I not awakened by the tiniest of noises, I sure don't hide under the couch like some fraidy cats*. Like today, I slept right through having an alien in the house, right in plain sight!

Well, it is my house, after all.

*And that noise Izzy heard the other day? A neighbor's pickup truck! He's such a baby sometimes.


  1. You are lucky you can sleep through anything, Have a nice weekend.XO

  2. Elliott, you are Mr Cool.Laid back,go with the flow.
    That's the best way to be.
    JJ is like that. Julie,not so much.Georgia is in the middle ;)
    Have a pawsome weekend.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. Elliott, I need to be more like you. ~Ernie

  4. We are are fine with company here. In fact, Binga is kind of a pest. What a surprise, right? MOL!

  5. That is quite a talent to sleep through an alien invasion,Elliott.

  6. Good job, I wish I could sleep through most things.

  7. We are pretty relaxed at our house too. Did you get a video of that Alien? Worth a lot of treats

  8. At first I thought I saw a pillow, but it was you, hehe!! Superb napping! - Tomx

  9. dood.....we wanna meet de ale ee endz....what planit iz him frum :) ☺☺♥♥

  10. Elliott, where is the photo of this alien? Inquiring minds want to know!

  11. Elliott, can't wait to see you all again! XXXX


Wowee meowee.