Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Heavy Weather.

We've been in this storm track lately, with very bad weather expected later today. So in the hour or so of sun we had this morning, Mom made a store run. But do you know what?

She didn't get any food for us! I happen to know we only have four cans and about three pounds of dry on hand. What if we run out? I'LL STARVE.


  1. That's not hardly anything! What is she thinking?

  2. That’s scary, I hope the food fairy drops some off soon!

  3. What was your human thinking, not getting any food for you guys?!

  4. Oh noes!Not enough food? Send her back to the store!
    Did she go yet??? Do they deliver?
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. What? Only 4 cans of food? Three pounds of kibble? That's a frightening thought! Why on earth didn't she get more food for you?!?

  6. Izzy, I'd be worried too! Kitty's stomachs must never go unfilled!

  7. guyz....stay safe out yur way we hurd iz vizshuz ~♥♥♥

  8. Izzy, your mom better get back out there before the storms come. Four cans and three pounds of dry food is not enough. We hope the storms aren't bad for you all. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  9. The storms should have blown through by now, Izzy, we hope. Take care. Want us to airlift some grub?? Tom x

  10. OMC! What is she thinking? We purr the storm isn’t too bad.

  11. Unacceptable! Call 911 quick!

    Emma and Buster

  12. Maybe you can place a Chewy order- they come fast.

  13. You will be OK, bad weather only lasts for a day where the bean can't get to the store.

  14. We are sure your Beings will get more food for you ahead of the storm... They do that...

  15. She will simply have to go out in the storm. I mean, she is not made of sugar and will not melt. YOUR well-being is the most impawtant thing. Her comfort is a distant second, or third maybe. It's her own fault.

    Oh, and no, the Human is not on a lovely trip out of town. I might actually forgive her for that. No, she's around all right, but obviously her priorities are all back asswards. Hrumph. Thanks for worrying about me though ;-)

  16. OMC, we hope that storm didn't last for too long ! Purrs


Wowee meowee.