Thursday, February 21, 2019

Another Year, Another Birgot Day.

Yep, tomorrow marks the day we celebrate my birthday and gotcha day. I'll be about ten years old, with five years of happy I'm here!

Come on by for treats!


  1. I'm so there! Bring on the treats and Happy BIRGOT day!

  2. Happy Birgot day Elliott!!!!!!
    Gee, that time went fast. We are delighted you have been happy there. We think it is a pawsome place.
    We will be right over to help you celebrate!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. How exciting! I'd love to help you celebrate!

  4. dood....a most eggz cell ant sooooper grate total lee awesum mega kewl get inta ten kindz oh trubull N joy yur day & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez ☺☺☺♥♥♥☺☺☺♥♥♥

  5. Elliott, you mead like Bridgette Birgot? LOL! Time moves much too fast, dear boy; can it really be five years?!? Hope you all are staying warm and toasty, and Happy Birgot Day!

  6. Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day cutie! XO

  7. Happy BIRGT Day, Elliott - and many more !

  8. Aw, damn! I missed it. Another sin to lay at the Human's feet. But Happy Birgot Day anyway--hope it was a blowout!
    And listen: Your MOM winned a prize 'cause apparently she is the ONLY pop culture maven in the whole bunch (of course, you *DO* live in Albuquerque and all....) We dunno what the prize *IS* yet, of course, but we swear it'll be good. If your Mom could email us a mailing address I can promise it will get there.....eventually. She's kinda slow.

  9. Aww, sorry I missed your Birgot day good lookin'. I hope you had lots of fun and partied your pooper off! Here's to the next five.

  10. Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day to you!!! We hope you have a wonderful celebration with lots of treats and presents. Thanks for the share. Have a great time.
    World of Animals

  11. Happy belated BirGot Day ! We hope you had a wonderful celebration ! Purrs


Wowee meowee.