Monday, August 13, 2018

Yet Another Bird Report.

I am on watch. Why? Because yesterday morning we heard familiar clacking, and when we ran to the sliding door, there was a roadrunner right on our balcony wall! It was the kid of that little family of roadrunners, right there, barely four feet from us!

He and Mom clacked back and forth for a bit and she went to get the camera, but the moment he saw it, he jumped off. But he really was there. See? I marked the spot.

But do you know what I think? He wasn't just visiting, he was looking for a hummingbird snack! (Some birds' kids!) I know our hummers are very fast, but a little Ivan action should cement their safety.


  1. Ivan - so kind of you to offer to cement their safety you devil you!

  2. Oh wow, mum says she saw one of those one time when she was in Mexico.

  3. I didn't know roadrunners went after hummingbirds!

  4. I would LOVE to see a Roadrunner! Love to. (Mom said).

    Ivan, you deserve to have a chance to put your thought into action! (me)

    (Mom) Don't you dare, Ivan!)

  5. You are very thoughtful to think of the Hummers safety.

  6. Ivan, I want to hear your mom 'clack' with the roadrunner!

  7. The 'x' is as good as seeing it, my friend. - Tom x

  8. We are happy to see you doing you best job at bird watching. X marks the spot. Hopefully the hummingbirds are safe and stay away. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  9. veew oh a con creet wall ...EVER....spesh a lee when it coulda been....werst !!!!!! ;) ♥♥☺☺

  10. I didn't know they ate hummingbirds, that is awful.

  11. WOW! That must have been cool to see!
    We have Hummer TV but no Roadrunners here :/
    MOL at da tabbies comment ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ


Wowee meowee.