Monday, January 22, 2018

My Monday.

So I may have sneaked into the office closet while my mom was getting something out of it. Then, all of a sudden, the door slid closed and I was trapped like a rat! For like hours! It was horrible!

OK, maybe it was a few seconds. After I told Mom I was in there, she let me out and I got a hug. So I guess everything worked out.


  1. MOL!!!!! Sounds like our Buster. You and him will do anything for a hug.

    Emma and Buster

  2. Mom hugs do tend to make it all better, definitely.

  3. are you sure you didn't purposely get yourself locked in cause you needed a hug and were too proud to ask?? Amarula does that sometimes!

  4. We’re sure the hours...or were stuck in there were excruciating!

  5. Yeah, we unnerstand. WE have to worry about the door leading to the garage. For SOME reason, TBT doesn't see us sneak in after him an run unner the car. And THEN he even closes the door again.

    Fortunately, he is pretty careful about keeping track of us and backtracks when he isnt sure where one of us is...

  6. I like to sneak into the closet too, specially the one in the sleepy spot. Mum watches close and makes sure I can get out.

  7. You poor thing. I hope being trapped in the closet for soo long wasn't too traumatic.

  8. My human is pretty careful about keeping us out of closets - accidents happen, though!

  9. That's why we try the stuff we do. We can't lose when we know we're loved ~ Tom

  10. Ivan, we are glad that you weren't jailed for longer than a few seconds! And a hug to boot...nice!

  11. Man, Ivan. I have been stuck in a dark ol' closet so many times till Mom finally figured out I was in one -somewhere in the house. I never tell her...she has to guess! If she doesn't see me before she leaves the house, she starts opening doors.

  12. WAZ hourz...we hurd bout thiz N noe fora fax ewe waz trapped frum 5:23 pea em ta 5:27 pea em...sorre buddy ~~~~ ☺☺♥3

  13. MOL ! We're glad your mom heard you calling after such a long time ! Purrs

  14. At least she lets you out and give you a hug!!! Our human saw that SOME kitty was in a locker she shouldn't enter ... and closed the door on purpose, waited a while to make a point before she eventually opened the door.

    She thought she could teach Tessa a lesson that way ... Well, neither Tessa nor our human ever learn from their mistakes .:P

  15. We are so glad you were rescued before big trauma set in Ivan! That would have been terrifying.
    Good to hear you got a hug :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  16. Oh Ivan - for a minute there I was afraid your fur had turned white from the ordeal ! Glad you got out safely and got some hugs !

  17. Fleurp feels your pain, she was stuck in a closet for hours recently


Wowee meowee.