Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thirteen Years.

It's our blogoversary today. Thirteen years! Who would have thought?

We owe it all to our old bro William, who started this journey and opened our world to so many cool cat friends.

Have a safe New Year's Eve, all. We'll see you next year!


  1. That's two blogs we know of that have blogoversaries today. Pawsome! Enjoy yours too.

  2. Happy Blogoversary!!! That is amazing to have blogged for so long, I wish I had known about blogs back then to follow you all along. XO

  3. Happy 13 Blogoversary years!!
    That is quite an impressive amount of time and we are delighted that we discovered you for most of those years :) We also would not have thought we'd be at it 10 years later either!
    We love your current line up and look forward to many more years. Younger kits do liven things up. We know that from Julie ;)
    WE love visiting and we miss William lots,especially Georgia.
    WE wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year !
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. Happy blogoversary! Sparkle got her blog started in January of 2003 (although she uploaded a few posts to get it started), so you are one of the handful of originals, along with the blog I inherited!

  5. OMC...13 years...that is amazing. Our mom didn't even know what a blog was 13 years ago. Congratulations on this incredible milestone. Wishing you many, many more years of blogging. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  6. Wow thirteen years is quite an achievement!!
    A very happy blogversary to you!!
    It's my first year in Blogville and I must say I never expected to meet so many wonderful fur-friends (and their pawents).. it's been just amazing!
    Lots of licks, your new friend Morrie :)

  7. William was one of my bery first pals. Happy Blogoversary and Happy New Year from all of us!

  8. WOW! And we though our 10 years was a long time! Congratulations on this milestone. Happy New Year!

    (Pee ess...we were having problems commenting on your blog the last couple of days. Something screwy was going on with our log in, we don;t think it’s anything with you. Hopefully, we can figure it out and fix it.)

  9. 13 years is a long time and quite an accomplishment. (We just passed 11 years.)

  10. Happy 13th blogiversary! That's a lot! Many more, we hope...

  11. Happy Blogaversary. William, I love seeing you again precious boy.

  12. Happy, happy Blogaversary!
    Have a wonderful New Year...

    Noodle and crew

  13. So sorry that I missed this post until now! Happy, happy Blogoversary! Angel William is looking down from heaven, proud of your accomplishment! Yay!

  14. Happy Blogoversary and Happy New Year!

  15. So impressed - 13 years is a huge achievement! :) Happy blogoversary!!

    Dropping by also to let you know that I've awarded your blog the Supawstars Spotlight Award this month. The award + a description of why I love your blog so much is here:

  16. Nice to meet you ! Happy Blogoversary, and Happy Mew Year ! Purrs

  17. Belated congrats! Glad to share the Blogoshere with you guys!


Wowee meowee.